
Why not make a phone that's also a handheld? Batteries are about there, I'm not carrying two gadgets on the train.

hah! Nintendo games do not go on sale, in fact they usually go up in price.

My wii u was tearing up my games when i bought it. Took it in got a new one all good. You must have the worst luck ever.

I find your words fascinating and would like to subscribe to your newsletter

Prometheus I feel was unfailry over scrutinized. I love how it expanded the alien universe so much. I hope we see more of it.

I would watch this.

I will say I was fairly upset as well about the street fighter thing but Japanese studios have always been about japanese consoles first. Still it's confusing people aren't making a big stink online I would but I suck at street fighter so no comment.

Halo Mc and Smash Bros.

A female assassin in Japan, A female ninja assassin.

Okay, you have me DC now reel me in.

I don't know man, Terra had an amazing battle system and the environments were top notch. It wasn't perfect but it had some excellent moments.

Oh man this reminds me of the long lost Starcraft Ghost...sigh

Did you rwad the article? This is the perfect article to voice your concern.

Wait, there's a monthly subscription? What for?

yes and all the zeldas

Otogi and Otogi 2.

Its an odd thing for him to say, what with those pikmin short movies he just released.

The wii U is killing it right now. I put so many hours into it , it's a little depressing. I said to myself when it came out it was a dumb idea but I was wrong.

I was one of the few that trully loved prometheus and I am eagerly anticipating the sequel.

I know a meijer location. Is the deal active now?

I know a meijer location. Is the deal active now?