
I second this.

It looks pretty good to me.


The thing is, games are always going to be cheaper on PC. I wish it wasn’t the case. So a PC will cost you a lot less in the long run.

Agghhhh..this looks fantastic.

Sci-fi Noir? Duncan Jones? I’m in.

I see, I never read the books. Thanks for not spoiling it though. I would go with The Man who Sold the world then?

We’ll now that he’s more plump and older I would say it might work.

I don’t hear Nirvana at all for this show, I would go with Mark Lanegan anything from Field Songs or even Harvest Home.

Uh..Fright Night was awesome...

Ex Machina part 2,

I don’t know why you have this problem but I’ve had my system for a year and have had no such issues with constant updates. Also my internet is not very fast.

Please impart on me what you “get” because I surely do not get it.

OOOh now I get it!

I get it!

So where are the games that actually look like this? How long has UE4 been out? I feel deprived.

What system is this on? I could Google but that would mean looking at another game site..No one wants that.

Brother was one of his lesser movies, I woud go with Outrage or Sonatine to start


I don’t care what anyone says, I love Prometheus. I will watch it over and over.