
I want the xbox for the 329 it will go for on black Friday at walmart and gamestop. Any chance of that deal dropping sooner online?

I want the xbox for the 329 it will go for on black Friday at walmart and gamestop. Any chance of that deal dropping

Alright, this looks amazing.

how about the civil war? Civil rights movement? World war 2? The Doors? I ggy and the stooges? Yo momma?

did you search thoroughly?

First I was all "don't do it, save us!" Now I'm all "let them fuck it all up , people will revolt". That's how it's going down.

So he said " hunting naked creatures" right? Cause I'm down with that.

I give that title to wind waker on cube but to each his own.


It looks.....generic. I agree.


Dude, yes!

yes and yes! This feels like a huge deal. Along with ff13 on PC , it's a trend I'm willing to get behind.

She ends up falling in love with her guardian and in the next one they slip around time trying to make ciborg / human marriage legal.

You could always sell the game as new. I might get the white one, it makes it look less vhs-y.

Try the novels, they are surprisingly excellent. The Halo universe is quite expansive and painstakingly created.

He watched her in stillness. Something about her fascinated him, maybe even confused him. Could he go against the programming? Could he, this once, not complete the mission?

Everything you hate sounds awesome.

Now playing

My brother had it and I threw in the VCR thinking "cool bikes". I instantly became 10 years older.

I'm with you, no one really "needs" to have children. It's a choice.

Why they released such an ugly bulky console I don't know. It almost feels like a developer box. What happened to the guy the designed the 360? Xbox one looks like crap.