Eric Pharand

In the Land of Time, Dunsany
Mona Lisa Overdrive, Gibson

I like Donna.

Psychic paper.

The 14th Doctor is Aya Cash's blonde British cousin?

"We're discussing about who's the greatest president. I say Lincoln, she says Washington."
"Oh - Atchison."
"Get out"

Don't get mad. Just say it's not art.

"He's insane-err more insane or less-um"
"Is the attempted genocide of the Daleks less evil or- you know let's stop talking about this."

Redundant Headline is Redundant

1. Don't watch
End of list

Is it going to be an old white British guy or a young white British guy?

Everyone has retrograde amnesia.

FYI, Landes nudity on the SKy1 version @disqus_KMKe0tqoWs @DDB9000:disqus

Covfefe is a little green alien that only Donald Trump can see and hear.

Marzanna was Titu in disguise on Hearts City!!!!

Hooten and The Lady

I never read about that.

I think the idea for this is interesting.

Lost Colony + climate instability would do it.

I would have liked a Manhattan sequel with CIA/Project Blue Book/Green Revolution/McCarthyism