The AV Club will close on August 24th.
The AV Club will close on August 24th.
I wonder if Foster's flashback is a red herring.
He could change denominations
No crowd scene with 274 Ledas? ;)
I'd have liked to see the scorpion again.
(People of Earth, TBS, 10:30 pm)
S2 | E4
Gina uses her birthday party so that Ozzie can sneak out to meet Walsh. The Cube pressures Jeff to clean up the ship. Don wants to tell Kelly a secret. Father Doug and Chelsea find it's hard to get out of their previous commitments.
The young ducks's eyes are creeping me out.
"This could take hou-I'm in!"
The Sprawl novels are 90% atmosphere and 10% story.
See my edit.
Would mailing a (tiny) exploding french horn to the studio be overdoing it?
"Oh no our electronics are down, we can't drop our bomb now!"
"It's cool, I'll drop it manually. I was a Harlem Globetrotter."
People of Earth thread
Hard pass.
Kinja is worse than Disqus.
Enjoy an increase in copyright violation Disney.
@toht:disqus @80sRobot:disqus @n69n23:disqus Candie, fly, the Evolution of the Arm, arm wrestling - hmmm