Manhattan's Katja Herbers
Manhattan's Katja Herbers
The Female of the Species Elementary Season 3 episode 14…
He's never heard of Poet Laureate Harry Styles?
"fungus-based lifeforms that look like winged humanoid crabs"
Sarah Carter
Aurors tv series with Harry and Luna.
I did say everyone else besides Ginny and then Ginny. It's probably true.
urge to kill - rising
Chemistry with Harry from most to least: Ron, Luna, Hermione, everyone else besides Ginny, Ginny.
All of them.
Tithonus and Monday are good. I'd seen Field Trip during the original run and thought it was cool. I found How The Ghosts Stole Christmas to be stupid. Scully doesn't believe the switch in Dreamland at all and then suddenly believes it completely. That's terrible writing. I do like that Mulder would have died in…
You like her in this?
Twin Peaks cosplay: Literally anything.
Henry J. Heinz is a second cousin of Frederick Trump.
Surprisingly, the gag order requires an actual gag.
Last year, I watched up to mid Season 6 but I probably should have bailed after 4 or 5 seasons.
It's called criticism.
"We are the Borg. Your biological and -uh- nevermind."
I was meaning to watch Durham County. I couldn't find it online for a long time.