
GAwker died because they didn’t respect privacy. They tied their horse to publicly outing a gay man, who turned around and funded a lawsuit against them by a man with a legitimate case.

Gawker has ALWAYS been woke, more or less.

See, now this is an example of a poor comment. Everyone should take note of this bad comment and learn from it. This is a St.Louis Cardinals fan level insult that frankly, we’re all above. I CAST YOU BACK TO THE YAHOO COMMENTS SECTION, DEMON!

This thread is amazing. After re-reading the original comment there is no possible way for someone to think it was made seriously, and we are.

boooooo bad troll attempt.  booooooo

Several people here don’t understand the concept of good ol’ AMERICAN sarcasm. Damn commies.



“We’ve got 89 guys busting their tails.”

Through God, all things are possible.  So jot that down


Do you remember when Raiders got rid of possibly the best defensive player in the NFL who was younger than Antonio Brown because his insistence he be paid what he was worth was too much trouble?

The only downside of this drama, from a Hard Knocks viewer’s perspective, is that so much of it is not taking place with all of the actors in one place. It’s Gruden on the field griping, it’s Mayock at a press conference, and it’s AB ummm, in a balloon or playing with his kids. As far as all of us can tell, none of

He got a grace period, the article is wrong. Last year was his grace period, just like Rodgers and Brady.

I believe the logical conclusion is that AB retires to become a helmet designer, and uses Lavar Ball’s manufacturing connections to go to market.  

Inject this straight into my veins. I need this saga to be drawn out as long as possible, bringing the Raiders, AB, and everyone else past their breaking points. I need panicked public statements, I need social media meltdowns, and I need Jon Gruden turning shades of red that even Deadpsin couldn’t photoshop. I love

Jesus Christ, shut up.

Most parents I know would happily sell their souls for a meltdown-free lunch or dinner with their kid. Fast food preference is a weird hill to die on, I’d bet that every major player in that industry has high-level execs who aren’t exactly woke.

After handling a 3 year old all day, your energy for grandstanding about protesting fast food protests is rather diminished.

Kevin, your article intrigued me. I want to try the Popeye’s chicken sandwich now. I will say that I’m disappointed at your shots and disdain for Chick-fil-A’s so-called “politics.” The fact is, Chick-fil-A doesn’t have a corporate political position. All the hate (and, yes, it’s hate) stems from a comment made about