Woah, we have comments over here. Let me take advantage of this by stating that Spanfeller should buy a hat, put it on, shove his head up his own ass and then shit in his new hat.
Woah, we have comments over here. Let me take advantage of this by stating that Spanfeller should buy a hat, put it on, shove his head up his own ass and then shit in his new hat.
Vaya con Dios, sweet princesses and princes, vaya con Dios.
Kiss my ass in perpetuity, MaidSpan. Deadspin forever.
Bears like eating plants.
Comments? Ok.... Hi everyone! Fuck Jim Spanfeller
Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its…
This is a bad take. The Cubs bandwagon is can’t hold a candle to how shitty Boston and their fans are.
A Red Sox fan criticizing another team’s fanbase would be like if Arby’s started doing restaurant reviews.
Red Sox fans are so insufferable I started rooting for the Yankees.
So I am speaking from long experience when I say that the Washington bandwagon is very likely to be the most insufferable one ever to come rolling down the pike.
You inspire me with your calm, stoic disposition and unwavering prioritization of that which matters most in life.
The question is not should the CEO do this, the question is would they be willing to do it given the circumstances
I legitimately didn’t know that’s how it works (as I stated above, I haven’t watched a lot of congressional hearings). Thanks for filling me in on that, I’ve got a different perspective now.
I don’t think I’m an idiot just because I wasn’t completely knowledgeable about how this subject worked. I’m sure there are…
First and foremost its reclaiming my time.
Each representative has a limited amount of minutes to ask their questions; uncooperative witnesses know this; so they purposely fill up the time by rambling and not answering the questions (Jeff Session and William Barr are masters at it). So she nipped that in the bud and claimed back her time. Do you not know how…
So, that’s Rep Katie Porter, D-CA. This is only a snippet of the inquiry - there’s more to it than what’s in the video - but she’s referring to the horrifying accounts of what content monitors have to go through and how terribly they’re treated by FB. The point she’s making is that if he’s not willing to do it for…
$69 billion
“Catch and Kill is paced like a thriller, and Farrow, the detective at the center, positions himself as the main character....”