
If you know anatomy, you know the hand is basically just bone, veins and sinew. If it’s a leg, you’ve got some useable meat, and a built in rotisserie stick. If you’re under one of those white concrete overpasses, that concrete has a high salt content so you can season the meat or even cure and preserve it. Buys you a

A couple things, first this is really a load of bullshit:

“-Randy and Tammy, MAGA turds from the northern suburbs who have a pickup truck value that exceeds their home value and took money out of Braedyn and Kymlynn’s college fund to renew their season tickets but “aren’t sure” if they’re going to still support the NFL if players keep kneeling”

Butter coffee is bullshit.

I feel like that whole “No depictions of him ever or woe unto you” thing probably hurts Muhammad in the fame department vs. Jesus who, say what you will, knew how to brand.

I look forward to watching Jackie Earle Haley portray him in “Bangs And Changs: The Mark Davis Story.”

Polys want that cracker

Show us on the bottle where the Budweiser touched you.

Brady will be a free agent.

In fairness, Zac Taylor is what every CPAC attendee thinks they look like what they actually look like is:

Really need two things out of this season.

If you do discover spyware, then you’re in an even more awkward position than you were at the beginning. You might want to curb your Netflix use in office hours, you might want to request a meeting with the head of IT, or you might want to start looking for new employment, depending on all sorts of other factors

But Wells failed the agent certification test

Even sadder is that he didn’t pass due to the last question, that was always meant more as a joke.

Absolutely no one who ever says “I hate to be that guy” ever really hates to be that guy. It’s right up there with “With all due respect...”

So I’m bored at work......

There I was, behind center for the Buffalo Bills. What madness led to this I had no time to ponder. As the supple leather of the ball slid into my hand, I took one step back, then two, then three. As I surveyed the field for potential recipients, I saw an outside linebacker charging like an angry rhino directly at my

Did it last week. Easy as dropping it off, and they give you a coupon.

It's a phony cliche that doesn't describe actual california at all. It's a shame thst people are rewarding him for this lazy writing.