
What kind of fucking idiot would spout off such an uninformed opinion without taking two seconds for a quick Google search first to make sure he had his facts straight and didn’t come across as a complete moron?

Buried the lead here folks:

Good one, don’t make an actual argument, just post a link to a “study”, we can absolutely always trust those by the way. Do y’all do any thinking for yourselves, at all?

I miss books with big colorful pictures too.

I always felt that the conspiracy believers get an ego boost by thinking they are more insightful than others by being able to “See the Truth” behind the veil.

Pauling’s ideas about Vitamin C might be coming back:

Hot take: David Carr was not a bad QB, they just ruined him by never playing an O Line. He was the perfect example of how much situation matters. 

it actually kind of makes a lot of sense... an unsuccessful GM telling you what the other unsuccessful GMs at the top of the draft want to hear.

Sooo...definitely not a Clinton, then.

I hated the high table bit. It's such an anachronism and looked a bit desperate - "I'm Jesus and I design for IKEA..."

Yep. It should have been called The Slashin’ of the Christ.

Muthafucka is actually 5' 10.124"

Prediction: Dude’s not dead. Living in Fiji rocking a disguise he bought with some of his $180 mil.

Cryptocurrency is going to go down in history as one of the biggest and most successful scams in history.

My money is still on “The Dude faked his death in India, and used stolen funds to make all of this happen”

This came up a bunch on one of the other password articles a while back, and while I totally get the skepticism, by all accounts this is a legitimate website run by someone who is very well known in the cybersecurity world and regularly speaks at conferences. There’s an entire section dedicated to explaining how your

I love how people are scared of this guys website, and yet it’s been mentioned dozens of times, even on this site.  

Gee, I wonder why this site is dying and likely to be shut down in the next year?

Has Semneya’s situation been poorly handled? No doubt. Is the IAAF a beacon of rational decision making, clear science, and sound decision making. Nope. Is the science surrounding the benefits of T difficult to follow? Not really. Are intersex athletes a new issue? No chance. Should Semenya be allowed to compete with