
I understand this reference unfortunately

How do you buy drugs tho

First thing I thought of

United breaks guitars

That is they gayest fucking shit ever and they should be mocked endlessly for it.

There was no footage.

This didn’t get the love it deserved, because no one cares about the Rangers right now. But rest assured I texted it to my dad and brother and they chuckled

No. No. No. I had never purchased one fucking songs on iTunes, and haven’t since. I despise U2. Whenever I plugged my iPhone in my car, that fucking shit started playing. There was no way to “click delete” when it came out. They finally released something that enabled you to remove it, but it was about a month of

That’s funny because there is a Grand Cherokee in my apartment parking garage that is completely covered in dust and cobwebs and has inspection and registration stickers that expired in 2014. I live in Houston though.

Pretty disappointed no one has posted the “this guy fucks” gif from Silicon Valley but I’m not searching for it at work

I get this reference.

Have you seen his SNL bits? Dude was fucking hilarious.

Pilot error is virtually always the cause in these types of crashes.

I laughed out loud at work and I now I have to awkwardly explain to my cubemate.

thats raycist

No, it’s fine. Fuck pizza snobs.

Pizza Hut is fine pizza.

Gronk would give an extra percent.

I remember this!

Always ball truthers