
My family uses What’s App for group messaging since some of us have iPhones and some have Android. For pics and videos it works much better. Also I know it’s big for international messaging since it just uses data.

What about Kang or Kodos?

Dude I figured this out about two years ago! The divorce was final last September.

This is the only way I eat chili. I have made chili before and realized I was out of saltines and did not eat the chili.


Nothing beats

Rumor has it Beckham knows about finding studs

Plus psychologically it’s like they are celebrating something being over, can’t be good for momentum. And people who think think there’s a racial aspect to it forget that Romo got shit for going to Cabo with Jessica Simpson on a BYE WEEK

Oh god hook this up to my vein. I read it with Tomi Lahren’s voice, intonation, and hand gestures.

I’m having trouble understanding that graph. Can you get Thomas Friedman to take a crack at it?

That’s sweatin son



This is a bad take.

Actually they have zero.

Give up.

90 seconds always covers the entire encounter for me!

Nothing is funnier to me than Christians mocking Scientology

They really are milking this for all it’s worth.

Otherwise known as “just my type”