Saw repeated previews for this over the last two weeks, and I felt the same, dude looks extremely mis-cast for the lead. Came across as a whiny little schoolboy, rather than a traumatized bad-ass who basically has nothing to live for.
Saw repeated previews for this over the last two weeks, and I felt the same, dude looks extremely mis-cast for the lead. Came across as a whiny little schoolboy, rather than a traumatized bad-ass who basically has nothing to live for.
"Believeland", also known as the factory of sadness.
The first time I heard this song, I was accompanying my GF on a work-chartered party bus heading to downtown Cleveland around midnight, while two of her co-workers (who were incidentally twin sisters) were dancing and twerking in a puddle of spilled beer in the aisle directly in front of me. One of them happened to…
Do yourself a favor, and get the deep-dish. It's greasy heaven. Go on, you're worth the extra $3. You gotta spoil yourself sometimes. Jay-z and Beyonce go to Cuba for a weekend get-a-away, Richard Branson flies into outerspace on a whim, I get the $8 pizza at Little Caesars.
Troll II or GTFO
So you're saying I should or shouldn't DVR it? This wasn't clear in the review.
Although Little Caesars deep dish is okay IMO, and I don't care who knows it. That big old greasy pile of grease topped with more grease, it sweats more than a fat person eating Little Caesars covered in sweat and grease. Long story short, best $8 I've ever spent.
Dominos, our pizza might suck, but at least we are not as shitty as Little Caesars!
In college we used to stick to Keystones. A 30-pack for like $14, and you could essentially drink them all day long. I'd probably try that again now, but I'd most likely be fired.
Don't forget the hipster beards on the horses. Those fucking hipster horses.
We only drink Schraderbräu in my household.
I haven't listened to or actually heard UTTAD in at least more than a decade, but this was one of the few cassettes I owned as a kid, and I liked it, and spent the whole summer listening to it. You guys got laid?
My girlfriend bought the TV movie "Pandemic" from one of the bargain bins, and we were watching it and I was like "You know what's so much better than this? The Stand!" So we started watching it on Netflix, and I was saddened that it wasn't as good as I remembered. So heck, I'm in for a reboot.
I could see him a Flagg, as Stu, even Larry or Nick. Tom might be a stretch. Also Franny.
"Don't die in a house bombing like deaf-mute Rob Lowe, and get DirecTV"
That's not good. That means young Hollywood will likely ruin this for me. Zac Efron as Nick. Taylor Swift as Franny. Oh god no.
Damn, I have this game, but never really played the online multi-player. Now I really want to… so I'm sure my girlfriend mockingly thanks you in advance.
But seriously, who doesn't love some RC Cola?
I was expecting Eugene to carry this lie like George Costanza and his house in the Hamptons.