
One word. Porn.

I'm glad I'm going into this having never read the comic, because some of these commenters are acting like "I'm trying to like this but I'm having trouble, it's not EXACTLY like the comic". Who fucking cares, it's an adaptation, just sit back and enjoy or don't watch.

Was that Stone Phillips?

Guilty pleasure show, pure and simple. I'm glad this show is coming back for a second season. Tuesdays are the one day of the week where my GF and I indulge ourselves in dollar tacos at the local mexican digs (#TacoTuesday), come home, climb into bed in pajamas, and watch senseless horror comedy before realizing we

Dude played Pablo Escobar on "Blow" even

I just read on Wiki he was also in Selma, 42, and The Butler, and made his bones on broadway. Seems like a legit force and a quality actor. But agreed, he's interesting in a sea of boredom.

I was hooked after that first episode of TWD. Superior acting, or perhaps superior directing, or writing, you tell me. But I know it was a MILLION times better than FTWD's series premiere. After it was over, I looked at my GF and said "well that kind of sucked".

I'm still only on the first 2 episodes. Week 3 I fell asleep because I was so bored, honestly. Decided to watch both episodes last week (3 and 4), again fell asleep during episode 3. I just came here to read what happened, to gauge if I even wanted to catch up.

Look at Breaking Bad for a great example. Walt was a smart guy, and constantly getting into sticky situations, but because he was smart, it was much more fun watching him maneuver. If he had been just a bumbling idiot going from situation to situation, it would have gotten old and boring very fast.

We watched Schindler's list in high school, obviously different subject matter, but that shit was rated R. What's the difference.

"We have to go back to the island, Kate!"

I have no idea who Beth Toussaint is/was (her last credit of note for the past 15 years was as "Female Caller" in Scream 3), but damn, she getting it! Sure aged better than Hamilton.

Two and a half Men was great! At least that's what my overweight, unemployed neighbor is always telling me while she's standing outside chain smoking.

The whole second half kind of unravels and doesn't make much sense, the journey to find the stolen item, visiting these random people, the effing Method Man cameo, it was just all dis-jointed and out of place.

Ever seen the movie "The Sentinel"? It's a horror flick from '77, I caught it on Netflix recently, and the scene that struck me the most was a young and awkward Beverly D'Angelo (five years before Vacation) masturbating under her leotard. I wasn't sure why she was doing, it just kind of happened, and now that's all

Timberlake brought sexy back, that Meghan Trainor is bringing booty back, omg what's next? What an exciting time to be alive.

eat it medium-rare or don't eat it at all. don't let those poor bastard's sacrifice their lives for nothing.

Wilder nailed it.

Gene Wilder or GTFO

*spoiler alert* Hurley shows up riding a polar bear, rams the polar bear into the others, saving Sawyer and Juliet who are being held at gunpoint.