Eric Lyden

Yeah, I thought the idea of Tommy Maitland was the worst thing ever, but he's enjoyable enough.

And that was almost the entire point for a lot of the questions.

It's actually very good in my opinion. Which I assume is not the reply you were looking for.

I'm not sure whether this person is a collector or just thinks she can get a cash settlement from a nuisance lawsuit.

I'm really amazed this current STRAY BULLETS: SUNSHINE & ROSES has been going on for as long as it has and on a consistent monthly basis.

I finished JAKA'S STORY and that was the last volume my library had so that was an easy decision.

What? This was the final issue? That sucks.

I skipped this issue of Superman because I have no stomach for that kind of corniness. But had I known it was only two issues I probably would have just gotten it. I'm gonna miss Jonathon when he's retconned away like he never existed.

Same thing is happening with Trump.

Yeah, it's losing me and there are points in each episode where I have no idea what is happening or why, but I still keep watching.

RIVERDALE is hardly any great classic, but it's cheesy fun that delivers what it promises for the most part.

Hey, maybe give the creators of these classic old shows some money to create new shows that are in the spirit of these old shows yet completely different.

If he's private about it then I can't imagine why we would give a fuck.

In other news that seems worth noting on the last RAW Recap here- Bo Dallas was on Talk is Jericho last Fri. and revealed himself to be a major conspiracy theorist. As in he Bo-lieves that the world is being run by lizard men living at the center of the Earth. Along with the typical "9/11 was an inside job" and "Sandy

They did a Youtube exclusive interview where Matt teased becoming Broken again, but I'll believe it when I see it.It also sucks the fun out of it it when you sort of follow the legal wranglings and you know they'll announce something before it comes on TV.

The latest Trump news? Where else are you going to get that?

Even the most cynical, improv hating soul has to admire well done musical improv. My only problem with the first two episodes is that I don't know if they can keep up being that amazing every week.

Yeah, but we don't respect their opinions either.

Yeah, Crackle is also the only place streaming ALL IN THE FAMILY with a similar selection of episodes.
