Eric Lyden

And Barney Miller isn't streaming either.

Yeah, that's the only one I'll watch even out of curiosity. I've lowered my expectations to it being a lousy show with some pretty good bits of slapstick so let's hope it can live up to that at least.

Disagree. They were mostly awful to begin with. You only liked them because you were a child.Therefore it's you who hasn't aged well.

Sure, let's make all of these asshole shitheads into lovable losers. Why not?

I was thinking maybe Hodgman.

It's kind of a shame they don't give the station manager's name because he basically planted the seeds for the entire show.

No LMG? No point. I tried for a while, but it just wasn't as fun without that game as the backbone.

I'd watch that. So that's at least two viewers. Would I Lie to You? hosted by Scott with PFT and Jason Manzoukas as the team captains? I'd be in.

Not "the gag" so much, but it's a show that requires the guest to do a lot of the heavy lifting and sometimes it just doesn't work out.

Then the problem is it gets too overstuffed and it just becomes 15 people all laughing and talking over each other with nobody getting a chance to really shine,

I love the implied horrible shit he does to his nephew Todd. In addition to the horrible things he does overtly to him. Including calling him "young lady" when he's clearly a boy in middle school.

It also seemed to do her a bit of a disservice having her come on last where they were already well into a ridiculous Dream Lord story that didn't involve her at all. Especially a new guest should get a chance to do their character before everything goes off the rails.

And that was the exact role Gino had for a while. Got a guest they're not sure about? Have Gino on and at least something funny will happen.

Speaking of which, if nothing else I hope this article dispels the notion people that Scott is just some no talent schmuck who surrounds himself with his funny friends. Obviously if you don't find him funny then you're entitled to your opinion, but if you like CBB then you think Scott is funny.

Plus Obama is black. That's always at the core of the issue.

I try to go a few days without at least hearing his voice. That helps.

If you motherfuckers would have just watched the Apprentice we wouldn't be going through this shit. Moron just wants to be famous, but you stopped watching his show so he had to enter politics and fuck us all over. All you had to do was waste an hour a week watching his dumb show and we'd have been spared.


Yeah, after two years you're not "taking it easy on non-major shows." that's who you are as a performer.

Sasha and Bayley talking about what great friends they are is never a good sign for the future of their friendship.