Eric Lyden

Especially when Trump was a kid and the war had just ended.

The speculation I've heard is that they had a falling out after their pilot didn't get picked up by Comedy Central. But I don't know if anyone knows anything or if they're just talking out of their ass.

Tom and Jimmy just appear to move in different circles. I don't know about Maron, but Jimmy did WTF (I think?) so there can't be that much bad blood there.

If they were hand seen and unique in some way then they would be reconsidered art in a sense. I guess the problem is your narrow view of the world.

You're a shit troll if you have to resort to "you're too stupid to understand" this early in the discussion . Either that or you really are too stupid to understand what art is.

So you have no answer. Thank you for admitting it.

Ever seen ALL IN THE FAMILY? Why is it not considered art?

Fuck you.

A woman doctor? Now I've heard everything.

They've always been an easy target for mockery since they're devoted followers of a clown themed rap group, but there's never been anything hateful about them.

For this weekend I will consider myself an honorary Juggalo.

Yeah, I always thought he worked as a character up until he started financing villains. He could be a jerk, but not outright evil. And Peter Parker wasn't exactly blameless since he was selling photos of himself to a paper he knew would only trash him.

Umm… the doctor is his step father?

I remember when he compared the term "word balloon" to the n-word. And he didn't call it "the N-word" he spelled it out.

Same. When I started reading stuff like HATE and EIGHTBALL I went through a "Fuck Stan Lee! He stole everything from Kirby!" but the truth is that while Kirby definitely never did get his fair share in life for co-creating most of the Marvel characters it was never as one sided as the staunch Kirby advocates will

But Clay didn't vote for him.

What about all the 20th Century Fox shows they were supposed to be adding like HILL STREET BLUES & ST. ELSEWHERE & MASH and the rest? Maybe I'm old, but I want to see them way more than any TGIF shows.

Yeah, I was ahead of myself by four years.

The Clinton-Lewinski deal?