Eric Lyden

Yeah, I'm normally not a huge fan of multi man matches, but I'll make an exception for this one.

I'd be perfectly happy if we just used continuity at it's most basic level. And no sequels to episodes that only make sense if you heard the first one over a year ago..

It really does seem like it'd be so cheap that it's silly not to. Getting people to watch the same episode twice would have to help their… ratings or whatever, right?

Oh no. I remember that FF story being poignant as Hell, but I was also 9 years old when I read it so I'm hardly shocked to hear it doesn't hold up.

WWE markets in stereotypes and a pale, red headed Muslim won't do for their purposes.

It's only because he doesn't "look" Muslim.

And Cena has enough stroke that I can't blame the WWE for scripting this promo. Even if they did, he wouldn't have to do it if he didn't want to.

I suspect that most of the non-comics are just reading lines the writers wrote for them.

No, every day.

You like it when shows you enjoy grind to a halt so one of the actors can show us their hidden singing talent? And how exactly can something be considered too strange to complain about in an internet comments section?

But it wasn't Kermit on SNL. It was a new and different set of Muppets that were so popular they were never heard from again. Henson got the deal for the Muppet Show and Lorne was more than happy to release them from the contract because they weren't a good fit.

he might have been a Jim Henson Productions man, but I guess he wasn't a Disney man.

I love it. I feel bad for Whitmire, but truth is I don't know that I support either side 100%. And it's pretty low stakes at the end of the day.

American Puppet Story.

It worked for the CWC. The crowd can get obnoxious, but at least they're into it.

It's a safe bet that they never have an end game for any of their storylines that last more than a week.

I don't even know that I'd count on Dusty. I've heard stories about him telling promoters they don't need to hire any black wrestlers because blacks loved him and he would "Be their white n*****"

Revival would be especially useless as singles at this point. So expect them to turn any week now.

I think they're on there as well.

Nothing that gives Steph more air time could be considered more entertaining that anything that doesn't give her more air time.