Eric Lyden

"God dammit, there aren't that many songs about rainbows and I refuse to keep lying about it."

I kind of thought he was perfect as the narrator, less so as a character.

And he was so perfect they can't replace him.

I liked Luther Mahoney. If the network was determined to have a big bad they could have done a lot worse. His sister sucked though.

OZ and SONS OF ANARCHY are cut from the same cloth. OZ is superior, but they both have their share of goofy moments and plots that exist just to kill time.

Dying by being enclosed in a wall if I remember correctly.

Yeah, the musical episode is actually pretty excusable. A bit self indulgent perhaps, but not bad.

I'm happy to give it a shot, but you're right. Broken doesn't feel organic here.

I still get a kick out of Dar's "Alicia Foooxxxxxx" though.

It has to mean something. It was too odd to just be meaningless.

Sable must love that. She seems like the real rugged outdoorsman type.

I'm pretty sure they are doing a thing.

Yeah, that had to have killed Sasha's knees.

Yeah, I hoping for Braun coming out next week to kill Roman and handing Joe the win. I still wish Brock would move beyond just German Suplexes, but it's fun when he actually gives a fuck and cares enough to make his opponent look good.

If it's anyone we've seen before it wouldn't make any sense.

At least HHH might be willing to put Angle over now.

Making it their first feud upon arriving to RAW was a curious choice.

I thought he did the one brief cameo in the Jim Henson tribute special.

I remember reading that some of the older Muppeteers were unhappy with the tone and content of the Muppets TV show a couple years back, but no idea whether that had anything to do with it.

On a cruise line I have to imagine just seeing the Muppets live and performing would make up for any deficiencies on the part of the performers. It's like cartoons, somebody is going to be doing the characters.Good, bad, indifferent, they're always going to be there.