Eric Lyden

Go to Youtube and see what he's wearing at Jim Henson's memorial. The man likes colorful clothes apparently.

Yeah, but at least we got that episode of Brave & the Bold. But I was always just hoping for a Blue & Gold episode of JLU.

Same here. I loved the Lakers/Celtics three part episode.

There's a lot of shitheads in this world.

I avoided it because I thought it was related to Gwen Stacy.

Oh no, I didn't know that.

This was sold out ot my shop last week and I was way more disappointed than I thought I'd be.

Considering that's the subject of the story I would hope the author did.

Same. I was always a 'BCN guy. I remember once Howard Stern called them "Dopey & Ain't funny" which I found more amusing than I should've.

Those shocking disc jockeys have done it again.

It was so good those first few seasons that there was always hope it's get good again. It never did.

I only saw night one, but I don't know why they thought Gunn-Tanahashi was a good match up to begin with. And I thought Page-Lethal was average. Not great, but not bad. And I don't think the chants came across on TV.

Fuck 'em.

I watched the show on AXS TV. I'd say the last 3 matches were all 4 stars at least and there wasn't a bad match on the show.

I don't doubt that they can, I'm just not sure they should.

Riley's most memorable moment was screwing up the Royal Rumble by getting eliminated too early. No wonder Cena didn't like him.

Yeah, Daniels would be too small to be in the WWF at the time, but I could believe him wrestling somewhere at the time, especially since we don't even know where they were on the card. Can't defend the Best Moonsault Ever though. A regular Moonsault would have served their purposes fine and still been a slight

I assumed she was on the show because she could handle the wrestling scenes and stand quietly in the background while the actual acting was going on. Couldn't have been more wrong.

I thought that too. I recognized Carlito and Broadus so I just assumed the huge older guy had to have also been a former wrestler. He probably could have been though.

My comic shop was sold out. I was surprised at how disappointed I was.