Eric Lyden

It's taking a break for a few months, but it's coming back.

Mark Russell is done writing it. I haven't heard about anyone else taking it over, but it's possible.

It's definitely good enough to recommend checking out the first issue. Maybe you'll hate the whole thing, but I think it was very good. Worthy of this list at least.

Are Poehler and Ferrell promoting it? I know Manzoukas is doing a ton, but I haven't seen much from the actual leads.

Scott's not exactly a hard hitting critic when it comes to projects his friends are in that they're currently hyping.

Regal was good.Angle is good so far, but he hasn't done much yet.

What do you care? Old people don't care what you think about anything.

Ummm… that's not Hillary's twitter page.

A savvy young fellow like yourself should recognize that he's not so much running this as a way to rehabilitate Pepe's image, but as a way to use his notoriety to crowd fund his new comic. It's basic Marketing 101, young fellow.

Shit, i could get a ring with them on my team.

I can see the logic behind leaving Titus off the show altogether (he's off scouting talent or giving another Ted Talk) but I can see why they'd wouldn't put on live TV in a segment with Levar because I feel like Miz can come back from a disaster of a segment easier than Titus.

Why was he even there? Does anyone care about his son who isn't an NBA player?

And I don't know what they expected from a guy whose claim to fame is being a loudmouth who stops at nothing to promote himself and his son. What made anyone think he'd follow the script?

I enjoy the kid calls except when you hear the dad in the background telling him what to say. C;mon, dude. The kid can handle Tom alone. He doesn't need your help.

Two sides to a story? Now I've heard everything.

Maybe I need to pay more attention to what I buy then.

There's a cult aspect to improv, there's no denying that.

Hope so. But they also raised the price of Batwoman.

For Wally West I'd say it was "The Return of Barry Allen."

I don't know that it's definitive, but "The Kid who Collected Spider-Man" does get to the core of the character.