Eric Lyden

Batman vs Mr. Freeze in the video game Batman: Arkham City. For real.

THE SPIRIT is one of the only super hero books from that era that holds up as an entertaining super hero book and not just a primitive curiosity that can be kind of charming.

Hey, am I the only one who noticed that this week DC raised the price of all it's books from 2.99 to 3.99? I don't like that at all. At the very least I'm going to have to think twice about giving new series a shot and will probably drop a few books.

Ellsworth & Cass doing a shit version of Enzo & Cass' entrance would be funny. Before Cass slaughters him.

Yeah, I'd have to do a little research, but if it was the worst then we've had a pretty great year. Then again I've always been a sucker for a good ladder match.

I always did wonder what student government did exactly. It has to be enough to make the kids feel important, but not enough to make any difference.

Good for him, but what the Hell did he think the class president did? Kid's watched too much Degrassi.

Well, I'm sure nobody will see this movie now.

He was named after his uncle Nero. Seriously.

Problem with Enzo on 205 Live is that he sucks as a wrestler.

I can already see Cena beating Jinder after a grueling match and having Corbin cash it in.

They should have done the same bit Rhyno and Christian did at one of the TLC matches- put her on his shoulders and sort of piggy back her up the ladder. He'd still be cheating, but at least she'd grab the briefcase herself. And someone climbing the ladder and tossing the case to someone else seems sort of shady to

I've been a subscriber from the start and found it to be worth the money and never had any great problems playing it on my Roku. I am clearly in the minority.

I'd guess they'd go to a general NBC streaming service.

I do hope that gets aired before Seeso goes kaput.

As a comic reader, it's so liberating when you realize you can just skip events and it won't matter at all.

I'm usually an Ennis fan, but I skipped JIMMY'S BASTARDS just because I got bad vibes from it.I hate when he slips into pure "Offensive!" mode.

I've been slowly reading it for several years. She's doing better than I am.

And a few who are contractually obligated because they're currently starring on ABC shows.

I feel very sad for most of these people.