Eric Lyden

Three is the weakest, but is hardly an embarrassment or a huge nosedive. Being not as great as the first two seasons still leaves plenty of room to be great.

Yeah, that's basically it. Since the Justice Society never existed then jack can't exist as Starman's son. Of course it's inevitable they'll all come back so who knows? But I'm all for leaving him be unless James Robinson has an idea to bring him back.

Neither option is all that appealing.

The good news is that I don't think there's enough money in them bring back Jack Knight so I don't think they'll bring him back. Especially since he doesn't make much sense continuity wise.

I much prefer Jaime's art, but Gilbert's Palomar stories are near perfect. Though Jaime certainly came into his own.

I was kind of glad they ended it because there was so much temptation and it does add up.

That sale was amazing. I picked up
Captain America: Justice is Served
Captain America: The Captain
Avengers: Under Siege
Spider-Man: Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut
New Mutants Classics Vol. 3 and 4
The Death of Captain Marvel
Miracleman vol. 3- Olympus

PFT as Gladstone Gander is perfect.

An opportunity at a shot at any time or place they choose so it's not like it's just an ordinary title shot they're fighting for. Unless of course they choose to have an ordinary title shot.

Last night was the first time I actively rooted for a Jinder victory.

People who think the Earth is flat are, shockingly enough, not at all embarrassed to discuss it. They think we're the morons and they're educating us.

I find it interesting because it's so fucking stupid so maybe that's what he means.

Yeah, he should be a mostly silent weirdo. His English is actually pretty good (he did an hour long interview on Jericho's podcast and handled himself fine) but it's not at a level he needs to be at in order to do good promos.

Then why'd they move him to SmackDown? WWE not thinking ahead? Tough to imagine.

What if he's genuinely hoping for someone's termination over the mistake?

Yeah, that's how they can do Supergirl.

At least with Firestorm they can keep them apart as an excuse as to why they don't just save the day every time, but it is getting too obvious that they're using them like this.

Yeah, I'm all on board for these mysteries if they already have an end game in mind. But all too often WWE will set up a mystery while having no idea how they're going to end it.

In NXT I would have thought having the fans boo Bayley (aside from the cranky few who just boo every face) would have been impossible. But they managed it.

Yep. I was like "OK, Dean is the bear. Cute." and then when he wasn't I became almost as paranoid as Miz.