Eric Lyden

You might be underestimating how much money he made from FRIENDS.

In all fairness that's an easier call to make when you absolutely have more money than you could ever hope to spend in your life time.

Yeah, I kind of hate the idea of taking a non fiction book and then just changing the names .

True. it's like when a biopic gets bad reviews and the lead doesn't get an Oscar nomination. It means the fucking thing must be unwatchable.

I liked that and I remember liking his Daredevil run though I haven't read it in years and wouldn't be shocked at all if all the good parts I remember were actually in Bendis' run.

Yeah, I'm off board with Josie. i don't dislike it, but I don't quite like it enough to pay $4 an issue.

Whoever would have thought that Trump supporters would form an angry mob that became shockingly effective when motivated? Especially against a woman who even people who hate trump would agree is somewhat flawed? It's literally unprecedented.

Yeah, as soon as Trump smelled sympathy he had to over do it.

Also, Orton's father wasn't in the main event of WrestleMania. He accompanied Piper & Orndorff to the ring. Not the same thing.

I was gonna say that he was just playing the heel until I remembered he's supposed to be a babyface. But if there was ever a guy I'd believe would be a hardcore right wing creep it would be him.

I mean, he still says homophobic shit now and again.

Fuck him, but I can acknowledge he's right in this particular instance.

I think Omega will sign some day, but not soon. Probably when he's past his prime as far as Japan goes, but will still be able to work and put on great matches,

She even gave up on trying to quiet the "What?" chants.

And the fact that he could was pretty impressive.

"We've gotta go three hundred for the kids."

I couldn't figure out whether in kayfabe reality whether those were really her first boyfriend and best friend (and teacher) or whether they were actors Alexa hired to fuck with her. Because even by wrestling standards those were some shit actors.

The fact that it seemed like it might be something she'd do was the only positive aspect about that shit segment.

And the Foley-Rock "This is Your Life" segment got huge ratings so they're going to keep going to that well.

Yeah, it was hinted at as far back as 1988.