Eric Lyden

I didn't even realize she was a regular because she wasn't in every episode. I just figure they'll be happy together with one or the other being too busy with work.

I liked him as a kid. Of course I was five years old, but that's who the stupid show was aimed at.

Fucking furries ruin everything.

If this is the biggest example of inequality that you can find then you're doing fine. And a creep is someone who shows up at a party they're not invited to and no one wants them there just because they're legally allowed.

So why's it so terrible for creeps like you to just be respectful and and say "Know what? We'll just go to another showing"? Fuck "equality." Just be nice.

He's not. At all. There are showings all fucking day.

I remember buying BULLY, DESTROY ALL HUMANS!! for the PS2 and the complete DVD series of Michael Moore's THE AWFUL TRUTH. And I had a buck in late fees that I never paid. Take that, Hollywood Video!

Nothing makes me sadder than the people holding those signs.

They're more likely to review it during the commercial and correct the score then and there.

Don't they include download codes so it's basically just a way to sell downloadable music in a concert setting?

I kinda feel bad for the one guy in the audience at the panel. You know he just wanted to leave, but couldn't.

I mean, if you want to lie about being transgender in order to be allowed into one particular screening of Wonder Woman then go right ahead.

Are they keeping track of Alamo Draft House special screenings in Norway?

By the time I realize a season isn't worth watching I'm too far into it to stop watching.

Yeah, she got screwed, but it was fair as far as these things go.

I don't think they expect everyone to hold on to them until the last possible moment.

I have no problem waiting for Nakamura-AJ or Owens. It shows they think it's a big enough deal to build up to.

I wouldn't hate the idea of an Owens-Nakamura match at MitB just because I'd rather see them in a singles match than 2 of 6 in a ladder match and Luke Harper would be a decent substitute for either of those guys. But I know we're going to get Owens-Nakamura before too long so I'm not going to complain.

Yeah, that segment would have been great if it had been in service of someone good.