Eric Lyden

He was another character who just sort of disappeared if I remember correctly.

Watching in reruns it annoys me more than it should how they explained away his absences in the later episodes of season three. He was dead! Stop lying to us!

Diane did literally leave him at the altar. If that doesn't prove your hateful mother right then nothing will.

They did an episode where Frasier had a sort of dream sequence involving all the women in his life and Rita Wilson (who played his saintly mother on Frasier) player her as kind of a combination of the two implying that Frasier was simply ignoring her less flattering characteristics or that they were a part of who she

They even reshot some of the older scripts.

Wouldn't NBC HR also ask "Why the Hell'd he take the job in the first place if he hates the guy so much?"

Yep. Creeps that make your company money are pretty well tolerated.

She's an attractive young female so she has great appeal to the creep demographic.

Yeah, I'm kind of trying to think of what would be a happy medium between no gimmicks at all (like season one) and too many gimmicks.

At least we're done with Boston Rob now that he won.

Yeah, I'd like to see a back to the basics season, but the tribe switch is the one twist I'd keep. Otherwise it'd be dull if the two tribes didn't merge with equal numbers.

What would actually happen if someone looked through someone's bag and just stole their idol? Would they just get kicked right off the show by the producers?

But he has two. May as well play one.

I'm glad it wasn't just me who was confused by the whole thing. Episodes like this always make me feel like I missed something.

You can't just re do the Miz-Dean feud that just ended a few months ago and expect people to care.

Titus was one of the best parts of the show. And I think Apollo is just sticking up for his buddy right now. But a heel turn wouldn't hurt.

Until Finn gets destroyed at Great Balls of Fire.

I'm pretty sure they're just doing this as a lark. The opportunity came up so… why not? They're secure enough that they can just walk off if they want to.

Especially since his character on Rosanne is supposedly dead.

Way underrated show.