Eric Lyden

Him getting pissed that Tom wasn't playing along with his I-C-U-P joke was great.

"So maybe the whole world is the toilet car."

You won't find a more entertaining podcast than the first half of Spont. But for the improv portion you can zone out for a second and when you come back you're lost.

Fair or not, I always consider live shows to be "No time for a real show, but it's better than nothing."

There was maybe one soap actor. And I liked him.

Yeah, it's my favorite podcast I can only stand to listen to once every few months.

Yeah, I just listened to that one.I don't ONLY listen to the PFT episodes, but I find a little of Todd goes a long way even though he does seem like a great person.

Yeah, it might just be me, but I have a low tolerance for that kind of snobbery. i know a lot of it's in jest, but it leaves a bad place in my mouth.

They're great, but I always skip the more serious episodes. If people get something out of it then I'm happy, but I'm a forty year old male so i think I'm already out of their main demographic and hearing them talk about "issues"… not my scene.

Random dudes calling in can be duds, but random children calling in can be incredible.

Yeah, I understand finding it daunting to give a 3 hour podcast a shot, but I never miss the Best Show.

It's kind of a pointless discussion to have with a Metallica fan though.

That's great, but I wish ABC would buy time loop show.

Yeah, I'm just confused by what's happening with Superman. It all seems unnecessary.

Last week I forgot to pick up BATMAN so I intended on picking it up this week. But my store was sold out of THE FLASH so I decided maybe it was fate for me to not read this story I was iffy about to begin with.

Yeah, I like the story in DESCENDER, but I just love the art.

Yeah, it's not my favorite book and it's probably the weakest of the Young Animal books, but dammit I can't give up on it.

I'm saying that whole last season was a story Rosanne Conner was writing. The whole twist about it all being fake was just an amateur writer trying too hard.

It really is. It's on my short list of perfect songs.

Is Ethan Embree really in a position to crap on his most beloved role in any way? Yeah, I know saying he's sick of the song is pretty innocuous as far as these things go, but still.