Eric Lyden

Your original unedited comment was better,

And I remember reading that they brought it up to Bret Hart backstage and he was just like "But he says 'axe'"

It was a website interview so there's no guarantee that he actually said any of it.

Even when he was teaming with Generico is was more a case where the fans had seen enough of him to like him in spite of his being an asshole. And if I remember correctly it was also a case where people were just waiting for him to turn on Generico so they'd feud again.

Yeah, Bayley's mic work is kind of pleasantly awkward.

Then you should have ignored it like I should have ignored Scott Baio.

I guess the same reason you care.

Yeah, Neil was running laps around those guys in terms of his Marley jokes.

Why should he encourage us to judge Erin? It's none of out business. Just say something nice in public and then bitch about her to Henry Winkler in private.

The rest of the cast was classy enough to be respectful.

I remember one time Conan called him Scott "Bio" and then delighted in putting the screws to him like that. That made me laugh.

His wife's Twitter account is MrsScottBaio. Nothing creepy going on there.

Yeah, I confess when I saw it was a 4/20 episode I kind of rolled my eyes expecting either a bunch of stoned guys or a bunch of weed jokes and I was pleasantly surprised.

Yeah, I'm conflicted on REM getting paid for that.

Yeah, I thought it was a joke. You'd think he'd want to move on, but I guess it was an easy gig.

They didn't want to pay Kari, Grant and Tori so they got rid of them. Wouldn't be at all surprised if they just wanted to unload everyone and keep the concept. Even though they ran through every possible myth they could do.

Yeah, it doesn't sound especially good or interesting to me, but it's hardly breaking new ground.

I forgot to pick up Batman this week. Maybe I'll just pretend I'm skipping it out of protest. I'm really not terribly interested in the whole thing.

But it can still be surprising how long it can take them to vote out physical threats.

Coach was actually fairly savvy. Remember that he kept Brandon Hanz under control and made him a valued member of their alliance.