Eric Lyden

Ozzy has a game that's almost guaranteed to make the merge (he's a beast in the challenges and if he's as much a provider as he thinks he is then he helps keep them strong for challenges) and get no further than that. No one needs a guy who could conceivably go on an immunity run and no one needs him providing

But some weird, creepy guy said his housekeeper was a literal witch who was holding him hostage! Surely we need to delve into that.

Yeah, AC Newman comes off as kind of a jerk here. It's not like he's picketing the shows. The subject came up and he offered his opinion. Raffi thinks your band's name is dumb. Get over it.

That sounds like the greatest thing that ever happened.

I'm legitimately glad I read this before posting my snotty comment. You addressed all of my concerns and now I can only wish them well.

Kind of annoyed me that he wasn't in the Invasion cross over though. There were plenty of good reasons why, but Kara should have at least explained why he wasn't available.

The thing is I agree with them returning as Team Xtreme, even if they don't always stay that way. It would almost be selfish for them to bring them back as Broken Matt and Brother Nero and confuse all the fans who don't watch or follow TNA and don't know what the Hell is going on.

Yeah, no shame losing to Jeff. Besides, I hate when guys make huge returns only to lose and become just another guy in a few weeks.

As long as he has the streak in his hair there is a chance Broken will return.

Percy Watson on NXT is pretty bad. I don't even think Booker T is good, but at least he has personality.

He can't even hold on to his own cult members. They've all left him.

Yeah, but she's old enough to be roundly mocked for posting that idiotic picture.

She's 23 years old. It's not like she's a little kid.

Nah, Tiffany is as shitty as the rest of them.

He's an embarrassing man who deserves cheap shots. Especially when he steals a child's hat.

Yeah, but he could sell that hat on Ebay for a good chunk of change.

I was thinking it was pure stupidity/thoughtlessness but you could be right.

They could say Reggie moved away, but here's his cousin. Who also happened to be named Reggie Mantle.

Josie is a main cast member so as far as I'm concerned she's inner circle whether they like it or not.

Yeah, poor Chuck got screwed over here. I guess it had to be Chuck because it was important that he was the Coach's son in order to explain his favoritism, but I'd have rather they just used Reggie or created some generic new character.