Eric Lyden

That was a real "They're playing high school kids, but they're over 18 so it's OK" moment.

Oh, I assumed it was live at 8:30. Who cares then?

Are you the same guy who posted a similar comment above?

"Those monsters sucked and they fucked"

Yeah, he should at least have the spine to say "No, I don't want to do political comedy. I'm not good at it and I don't care."

Harry Styles reminds me of Paula Poundstone for some reason.

Jimmy is a pretty family friendly host to begin with.

Without Reggie they can never form the Archies.

She's been mentioned, but not seen.

I always thought it would be funny if they did an All Stars season and had some random guy named Rusty from Survivor: Timbuktu or something just to see if anyone would notice. I guess it would have made more sense pre-internet though.

What a bunch of dummies we are for taking the words you said and assuming you meant them. Because why would say what you actually mean ("Survivor is edited so that it tells a story") when you can use a word that says nothing of the sort and implies something completely different than what you intend?

Yeah, hearing Tai drop an F-bomb in anger was incredible.

That was definitely bad. And the attitude appeared to be "Eh, he's gay so he's not into it sexually so who cares?" No one seemed the least bit outraged.

Colton was a jack ass and a shithead, especially to Christina. I'd argue Varner is probably a better human being than Colton, but did a worse thing once. Colton was an asshole to some degree from start to finish.

Yeah, every other shitty move was a move to get ahead in the game first, everything else second. Didn't always work, but that was the intention. This felt like a personal attack before anything else and everyone responded in kind. They stopped playing SURVIVOR and acted like human beings would who saw this happen to

Editing is not scripting. I understand they do such a good job of it that it looks pre planned, but…no. The Kardashian type shows totally are, top to bottom, but not when there's competition involved.

I don't think he thought he could stay. He knew he fucked up and he knew he had no chance of staying.

"Super self satisfied" is Probst's default setting.

You're right, but I don't know how they would have edited that.

I was glad for this recap because after Tribal I completely forgot everything else that happened on this episode. That was ugly.