Eric Lyden

The shitty headline is to blame there.

I definitely think there's something to SNL ripping it off. But the host doesn't write the sketches.

He was just the actor. Apparently he and Tig had some sort of falling out so i doubt he's closely following her work.

A two hour show vs a three hour show means a lot less time for New Day shenanigans.

Is the Bray-Orton match a title match or is it some wacky nontitle gimmick match?

Kalisto will be good for 205 Live. Sin Cara… eh. He's just hanging around until he gets released.

I don't understand how this "shake up" worked at all and it irritates me more than it should. Were they trades? Random picks?

Everything else aside, JBL is boring when he's not being a mean spirited jerk.

I always took it to be somewhere between the two. He's not literally possessed, but it intimidates his opponents and donning the Demon get up does have an affect on his psyche and gives him strength, just not in the supernatural sense.

Because they turned him heel relatively quickly. With Roman they continue to push him as a face in spite of the fact that most of the live crowd clearly does not like him.

If it catches on then it's the whole crowd no matter who started it. If it was a small group of cranks it would have been roundly ignored.

But is Samspon on RAW of was he just drifting through?

Otunga doesn't even have a personality for Corey to make fun of. He and Percy Watson on NXT are two of the most genuinely useless announcers I've ever seen.

Yeah, I'm going to groan when he comes back next week and wrestles Braun at the PPV. I can see it coming and it won't be good.

I still think KO's going with that PPV being his farewell. He almost has to.

I still don't understand (in terms of kayfabe) who's negotiating these deals and why. Are they basically trades? Are they saving salary cap space? I don't understand and it bugs me more than it should.

AJ and Randy are there so they can say "See? We didn't take everybody."

He did well in the Andre Battle Royal so there's probably something to that.

I still listen every so often, but it's not at all the same without the Maltin game. It was flawed, but it was still a really fun game.

Same thing happens on Doug Loves Movies. Guests show up thinking it's going to be a chat show.