Eric Lyden

I see your point, but by the same token why wouldn't you listen to an episode or two of a show you're going to be on? Just so you have an idea what's going to happen.

You're absolutely right, but I wondered the same thing. It'd actually be a great bit of damage control.

As I said above, "chocolate face" is a Borat line so if it wasn't intentional then it was a blatant rip off.

Yeah, I kind of thought it added to the ridiculousness of it.

If you're here then it's worth a free trial at least.

The start of every episode gets a good pop from the audience.

And "chocolate face" was a Borat-ism.

I don't know if there's ever been an episode that combined such bizarre sketches with such a bland musical guest.

Especially since Josie is the main Pussycat and she's kind of disappeared.

We definitely had study hall including an actual room designed for the sole purpose of being a study hall. If you got lucky you could have two study periods in one day. One semester I ended up with only one a week and I was pissed. But from what I understand after I graduated they formally structured the study periods

I was a pretty good kid, but I'd have never gone to class.

In the comics Reggie's dad was editor for the newspaper so that could be… something? Or not.

And it's cool because they're all over 18 in real life.

Maybe he can make a date with Betty and Veronica on the same night and have to figure a way out of it.

Yeah, I admit that when I first saw the trailer for this show I thought it looked like the worst thing ever, but then I watched and… now I get it. They're embracing it. All of it and everything about it.

I even love what we've seen from Val. Give her a bigger role and you've got no complaints from me.

I actually wasn't aware of this until just now when I looked it up.If the wardrobe people can believably keep her looking frumpy then they deserve all the Emmys.

And I thought Luke looked pretty dapper in his pinstripe suit. He got the best of that deal.

Cochran did know how to get on Jeff's good side. He used a combination of sincere sucking up and slight mockery that Jeff would be too self important to notice.

No vaccinations? She was right about one thing at least.