Eric Lyden

Yeah, the shows decline had nothing to do with Ted other than him being on it when it declined.

More of a blatant copy then spiritual descendant.

Yeah, Married… was basically a live action cartoon after the first few seasons.

The best episodes are pretty good and if you watch enough to gain an affection for the characters you'll enjoy it in a dumb sitcom kind of way, but nothing to go out of your way to see.

"Go with him…"

Leave it to Beaver and the Dick Van Dyke Show both did clip shows as their series finales.

She's having a blessed event.

That's more like a shitty boss/employee grateful for a job relationship.

Paul Shaffer may as well have been put on this Earth to be a late night talk show bandleader/sidekick. John Batiste… not so much.

Ironically Tweener actually ended up in prison.

I doubt it was their choice. I think he just didn't want to do it anymore.

There are a lot of dull, generic actors out there, but I don't think these are two of them.

I seem to remember watching a bit of season 3, but it made no impression on me.

Though it also kind of takes away from the new Prison Break. Why should I be excited to see them reunite when it's already been done? And to better effect than they were on Prison Break which I agree was a fun show until it wasn't.

That sounds like a great idea in 2017.

No, you've made it clear you don't care.

Doing the wave is always dumb. Doesn't matter what the event, doesn't matter the context. It's just dumb.

I'll confess I'm usually not a fan of this gimmick, but I loved this post.

Emma is also really good so I have no problem with it.

Bayley being her friend makes sense because she's Bayely. We can pretend she talked Sasha into going along with it for one match at least.