Eric Lyden

Yeah, Goldberg-Lesnar was as good as it could have been.

If AJ goes to Raw then I'm less interested in Nakamura on Smackdown.

I actually think he could have a career as the direct to DVD version of Jason Momoa if he really takes off as Aquaman.

Shit, that was show long for the hardcore fans. It's the reason I can't do Super Bowl parties. Shit's just too long for someone who doesn't give a shit.

Corey subtly mentioning they "had a… relationship'

Yeah, if there's one thing you've made clear it's that you don't care about Roman. I always get very angry about things I don't care about.

I kind of agree with just letting Jeff be Jeff. A sober Jeff Hardy is money. Whatever they do with the Broken gimmick, they don't need to bring Jeff into it.

Yeah, it started with Goldberg basically telling the crowd to shut up and let him talk and amazingly enough it ended with the crowd firmly on his side. I don't know that I need to see him again, but that was a nice farewell.

I wouldn't be disappointed at all if they brought that gimmick back.

I think industry precedent is on his side. Look at all the guys who basically use their WWE gimmick (if not the exact name) on the indies.

Yeah, I kind of appreciated seeing them acting like real human beings who seemed to be grateful to be back in the WWE. I hope they do bring some elements of Broken Matt eventually, but I think bringing them in as just Matt & Jeff made sense.

There's a certain type of person who will just worship any loudmouthed rich guy.

This is like when your favorite sitcom decides to do multiple clip episodes. They're bad Epps.

Does it really? Why not just find a different title?

Howard Kremer was another good one.

It sounds like the second one was almost certainly a knock off of Go Bayside!

Yeah, many stupid people.

Plus it wasn't very good.

I agree. The whole notion that everyone respected Bush even though they didn't agree with him is fairly new. People fucking hated the guy. It's only in comparison to Trump that he seems even competent.

Did you know that computers used to be a lot bigger?