Eric Lyden

His hatred was great, but it might get one dimensional if it were a well they went to too often. Plus a prime time TV movie, you'd think they would have put more effort into it than the shitty saturday morning sitcom they usually do. But they didn't.

Yeah, wasn't the best Takeover, but it was an entertaining show from top to bottom.

Yeah, I don't have a problem with a random group of babyfaces losing to an actual heel faction.

I'll give them time. I wasn't thrilled with AoP at first, but they turned into a good team.

Thank you! Surreal, but also oddly moving.

I found it. It was this show and apparently it's specific focus was local kid's shows. So that explains that. I guess it's just odd in that it's the only show they discuss that never went national.…

No, but I should.

Yeah, I have a trade collection of the early Mads literally right next to me.

It was Howdy Dooit by Will Elder, It was from 1954 back when it was a comic book.

Especially considering that most of these educational shows either weren't educational at all or were on at 5 in the morning before any kids were up.

If you were in on the last clowning debacle, you know what I mean.

Yeah, it seems like Bozo's producers could have put a few seconds of thought into it and come up with some way that Bozo helped kid's self esteem or some such shit. Or that they taught kids to count or whatever.

PBS had a show on kid's TV that (somewhat bizarrely) spent a lot of time discussing Wallace & Ladmo.

Sounds like the whole thing was just dumb luck.

Pretty accurate joke if the 10 year waiting list is true. How many tickets must have gone to lucky younger siblings?

It's the thought that counts. Should have gone. You'd have mopped the floor with those dumb kids in those games. You would have won the giant Tootsie Roll for sure. (that's what you'd win on the Boston version at least.)

How is the footage of Billy Corgan performing on Bozo (singing "Forever Young" by the way) nowhere on the internet? How did no one think to post this?

Yeah, if you're pushing 60 it's time to turn in your "I'm in touch with today's youth" card. Though I do enjoy his Archie.

I barely remember her becoming a vampire in the first place.

Yeah, "parody version."