I always thought of Flea as a parasite, but you are saying he is a Host?
I always thought of Flea as a parasite, but you are saying he is a Host?
I’ve been to 12 or so away games, always in my teams full gear. Never had close to anything like this. I do make a point to be more gentle in my cheering at away games, it’s not my house.
Counterpoint: I’d gladly get a matching tattoo with Ariana, no matter how bad, if I were able to spend a few weeks hooking up with her.
Yes, he should have left her in the coma to die. Good advice.
Articles like this.
So Blumhouse has had female directors for non-horror movies, has actively offered horror projects to female directors and you are calling him out why?
Duh, make two sandwiches. One chunky, one smooth. You can even do one strawberry and one grape.
Because “Beathard”. Its simple really.
I know what your trying to say but this genetic information wasn’t stolen from black people this is wholly new information discovered well after trans-Atlantic slavery was ended. Even white people don’t have this information and have to pay for it. I would add that the family tree information (the old way of “knowing”…
Hey Kid! You are not old enough to play that first person shooter game. If you really want to see a bunch of people get shot why don’t you just go to school.
Why is nobody is up in arms about the NBA/NFL/MLB being in China. China is waaaaay worse than the Saudi’s in terms of human rights and the WWE is smaller than either the NBA or NFL or MLB.
I’d rather deal with his ridiculous showmanship than lose part of my freedom of speech like in Canada.
“Tastes like they were picked just minutes ago, fresh from Mom’s backyard Cookie-Tree.”
I may regret this, but what are you doing with these cookies?
English might be her second language......but at least.....she didn’t.....put....ellipses all over....the place....
If Dwayne Johnson cannot be black John Henry then how can Barrack Obama be the first black president?
The hat is a bit confusing, does he want black people to go back to Africa and make it their home?
False police testimony often suffices for a criminal conviction as well. Lying ass white women (NOT TALKING ABOUT DR FORD) used to suffice for a criminal conviction against blacks. Doesn’t mean we should accept it. Also this https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-the-eyes-have-it/
Well considering we have been through an ACTUAL civil war and come out the other side even better than before I am doubtful of your claims that the US won’t last that long.