Frozen Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are heaven. They get that nice frozen taste to it, but the texture still holds up to where you can chew it and you don't risk breaking your teeth taking a bite like other chocolates in the freezer
Frozen Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are heaven. They get that nice frozen taste to it, but the texture still holds up to where you can chew it and you don't risk breaking your teeth taking a bite like other chocolates in the freezer
Unsalted butter for cooking. Keep it in the fridge but remember to take it out a few hours ahead of time if you need softened butter for baking.
You can’t take just one. The rules are 20 Chinese not-a-Jeeps or a single Model3. Do you still want the Furkikas?
Because this story is about a technique and not a specific dish, and, in which we ACTUALLY namecheck Mouthwatering Chicken and Hainan Chicken in the body of the story.
These are all good ideas, but you don't "infuse" salt into mayonnaise or anything else. You just sprinkle it like the rest of us common slobs.
It’s a Rabbit, therefore, clearly they’re talking about Easter eggs.
Fuuuuuck I want that Halloumi McMuffin.
I stand by my oft-repeated assertion that Chik-Fil-A should just buckle down on their religious affiliation by changing their name to JFC.
That may be the biggest chicken breast I have ever seen. I wouldn’t want to meet a chicken with muscles that big in a dark alley.
Guys? I think we need to look out for Sam. That’s just brutal.
That’s why you drain the water and add the flavor.
It has the same meaning as “no added sugar”. It is present because certain ingredients have it naturally. The difference is that they didn’t add any of the refined stuff.
Are you...mad about this? I’m genuinely curious now. You won’t read it, but you’ll comment on it to tell me to fuck an eel? Are you offended? If so, damn, that’s amazing.
Attempting to pump the energy back into the eels could lead to regenerative baking of said creatures.
Isn’t an “Edison style” bulb, by definition, supposed to be made of stolen ideas?
Fold it into a chicken parm pasta taco and you’ve got yourself a... Hh... hrgh... H-Hold on.
Took me a second to realize “oh wait that’s not a pizza crust.”
I was just glad to hear it wasn’t the Frenchie. That thing is good.