
It’s because USPS is a government-run system, so when stuff like this happens nobody’s concerned because they’re not going to go out of business.

There’s a quote that appears in Norm MacDonald’s recent book, which goes something like “Applause is voluntary, but laughter isn’t”.

The difference is: being funny.

Sure the night nurse was impressed, but what of the butler, chef and groundskeepers?!

Ah yes, DBGT’s “DanDan”, possibly the only opening in anime history that has a young boy’s penis in full view! LMAO


I’m already guessing the outcome of that “tank scene” is pretty much what happened in original anime.

Holy shit, do people actually take memes this seriously? They’re funny pictures with captions not a doctoral thesis on existentialism.

man, Nintendo don’t give an eff!

You can’t say nigger or type nigger if you’re white, yellow or purple.

“Do you know my uncle?”

Just so you know, they’re probably leaving the internet browser off because it’s commonly used as a homebrew exploit, especially on Nintendo consoles.

As a PC gamer, I giggle anytime someone complains of a console being “underpowered.”

Because being crazy is cheaper than doing a ton of drugs.

Not really when that shit involve underage kids.

Looking forward to someone straining their shoulder in an Arms tournament.

Now if someone could just disconnect me into a pretty pink puff of smoke before the world crashes and burns...

Here ya go:

250 awesome games is still nothing to scoff at

A confused bear seems like an appropriate metaphor for how Capcom makes business decisions.