I just boutgh one in the hopes of getting my money back someday... and playing the games, of course!
Ah, so is not a reboot? eh, not really feeling ritgh now, i don’t see they going with it without forcing something.
Thanks, i finally saw the evolution from the walt disney style to modern anime now.
its japanese animation that made the cut. We even saw clay in the beggining.
What about fatal frame?
The “I missed, can you do it again” killed me.
Sound good to me.
I think you see my point.
Wow, you truly put a lot of thinking on who you pair with and play with. I don’t really feel this way, i always treated “friends” on games like people with i can play and have a good time. I think that’s why I rarely ever formed a deep friendship with any of them. And also was always easy to cut off of people that i…
Wait - oh, this kind of press. for a moment believed that was Press as in “ the press started jumping to conclusion about some iccindents and go wild with theories”
You really decided to make a entire article to call some people sensitive just because some made a shitty comment on other of your articles?
Hey, PR guys, everytime someone ask you why you always bs and never give a direct, honest answer, show them this coment section.
Sorry, but the argument “it doesn’t know who is aimed for” rarely apply for nintendo franchises. Who is mario for? Who is spatoon for (kids or squids)? There is always a audience for good games.
Going third party any minute now
The cool thing in all this is that i saw number of complaints about this, because some would prefer the virtual console style approach...
Oh yeah, nintendo is really wrong in here by addressing bugs that could interfere in the content of the other creators, mess up records of some levels, etc. This is like saying that hacking in mario kart is ok because the hack is public and everyone can use it.
Can’t we just stop a moment and talk how bushit it is all this talk about “unified development!!!!” or “only support one plataform with the double amount of games!!!”
Yeah, but ps4 also launched in the half of the month, switch was at the start.
Kickstater showed me that executives deserver more respect, because even when a experienced developer want to try something new, there is a good chance that will result on faliure. It’s fun to make fun of “herp...derp...executives”, but the reality is that they job is tough, as nobody will work for free and they have…