It would be freaking awesome if it AutoBanned popular spoilers (without telling the streamer what the spoiler is). Anytime a new release comes out, people always go to every channel and spam the spoilers.
It would be freaking awesome if it AutoBanned popular spoilers (without telling the streamer what the spoiler is). Anytime a new release comes out, people always go to every channel and spam the spoilers.
When I was about his age I’d go to Toys R’Us after school to play Goldeneye on their display N64.
this article came up super fast you can tell you were watching! That was one of the finest games of Dota 2 i’ve ever seen the grand finals is already a huge success however the rest of the game/s go, but most of all its nice to see Ad Finem really do well after suffering in qualifiers for so long.
God I fucking love miiverse. It’s so weird and pointless, but then so is pretty much everything else people do online.
I imagine it has a lot to do with the creator’s Kickstarter for a “spiritual sequel.”
Little do people know that some of these things have been going on for over 2 years, yet no one complains because you dont really bite the hand that feeds you.
This explains why all of those cars in the Mission were constantly exploding when they kept driving over steam vents and why I’ve been clipping through the sidewalk for the past hour.
Before I clicked in “Can’t wait to see this, it’ll be a bunch of 4chan posts complaining that Nintendo banned them and that they feel they shouldn’t be banned”
Eh, no sympathy here. Not gonna pass judgement on them for pirating, but if you’re going to do it at least spend the effort to do it properly.
Is this Frog Fractions 2?
Never meet your heroes kid. I read he’s a world class prick to his own son. Love the art, not the man.
That is probably the one comment I have never seen on any coverage of hard MM levels lol. Plenty of other nasty BS, but that is the one thing I haven’t seen.
was that his level he was beating to get it published?
I remember reading an old EGM about the secrets of the Power Line. One anecdote that stuck with me was how many old people called in to brag about their conquests, despite the $3/min charge. They really love their Dragon Warrior Quest.
What the hell is Tom Nook doing? How is he affording all of this, first off, and why is he buying entire towns?
Nintendo denies Wii U ever existed
I read the whole thing, missed the single line about that email from his personal account where you linked to polygon
Oh Jason. You can’t reasonably expect an internet commenter to read an entire article before attempting to correct it.
I don’t know if it’s “dragging” it out. They had to offer some sort of info about the game before everyone leaked the whole darned thing, but they don’t want to bury their good details right before the holiday buying season.