
I am a moderator in a dota 2 forum, and dota 2 also has a report system like that. And for more than 4 year every week there was someone creating a topic at the forum complaining about the injustice in their report. And almost every time that we looked on the games they recentily played, they did something shitty. I

Seriously. Ohio.

I’m willing to bet that the moment they include batle and trade on the game, kotaku will run a article about how “niantic is letting cheaters ruins all the fun of the game on using poke radar and etc”.

3? I only can think of zelda and paper mario. Which is the third one?

The path of irrelevance?

Well, on the other side, USA residents don’t know know that america is a continent.

Orange pi > Raspberry Pi

Orange pi > Raspberry Pi

It all make sense now...

Those pokémon look cool as heck—big, dynamic, fully animated.

It hink si more likely you will be robbed (and shoot by robbers) by looking at you cellphone unaware about you surrounds.

And of course the first coment is from someone that ignored the interview and just post a sarcastic acid retoric answer.

You don’t pay for online and the game has no microtransactions. Expected.

What are you talking about, we’re are getting costumes every week or so. They are putting content on it, as they are with splattoon. What game lacks is some funcionality.

It’s the job of localizers to understand the context of their translations. Yes, Watergate kicked off the “gate” phenomenon, but GamerGate is fresh in people’s minds. Though the placement of the screenshots on social media proved more provocative than what’s actually in Paper Mario, if you’re familiar with gaming’s

dont seems natural at all. 3rd person camera don’t fits well with vr


It is working. Will take sometime, but i believe that eventually even those abused games of today will get the scores taht they really deserve in the future. At least, now we can have hope that a game will have its opinion about it changed.

you can’t downgrade your library froma new 3ds to a regular 2DS(neither a regular 3DS as well).

Well, the app is not on fire rigth now, so the damage is pretty limited for now. But do not worry: the second one case story of a pedophile involving the app surface, nintedo will kill the app without any kind of previous notice and act like it never existed for the rest of its existence.