Believe me, its one of the better ends of any nintendo console. Wii only got pandora in its last year, remenber?
Believe me, its one of the better ends of any nintendo console. Wii only got pandora in its last year, remenber?
“Whether it’s Mario Maker levels or an inability to explain why they’re changing their Japanese games in translation, Nintendo’s silence continues to hurt them.”
You said that 3 responded your request, but you only mention 2 on the article. What about the third one?
Nintendo was ritgh :P
What they said when you asked them?
Probably is something embarassing that they where hopping people to not notice at all.
This article felt more like “why are you not making games like this anymore, nintendo?” than a celebration of the unique aspects of this game.
Don’t worry, nintendo will take measures. Like, beyond necessary measures. In the line of “if you don’t find the leaker, you entire department is fired”.
The most amazing thing to me is that i used to think that doing things like this were only possible using TAS, but now we can see people legitimate doing this with skill, able to understand all the mechanics needed to make a certain jump.
The original Zelda TP is a odditity on nintendo cycles. Usually, nintendo games disapoint on reveal and as launch aproachs, they get better and better, and end up grabbing some Game of the year awards. The original reveal broke tht pardigma, and the game was forgetable for some people. The HD remake, however, is…
Correction: will actually be on the first five minute of the aniversary on satuday of japan. Remember: the game was launched in japan, then we should use the dates in japan.
Brazillian here. To anyone that asks “ how they let this happen?”, corruption + incompetence, that’s how.
The real question here is, if the writers don’t care enough to put on script the feeling that the actress need to express, then why they record every episode instead of using the same old ones?
Jason, I really respect you as a gamer and journalist.
Man, maybe i’m being naive, but saying “piracy is really hurting us, guys, we can’t make enough money that way” shortly before saying “btw, the game sold way better than our first product, broke big records, even when the price tag is way higher, sold in a week what the other sold in a year” don’t help anyone to get…
Toutgh that he had disable coments for good from his videos(and was happier since them). So why are we seeing this again?
First nintendo said that splatton didn’t need voice chat. Then EA said taht batlefront didn’t need voice chat.
This last coment about the fad being over was a bit unnencesary. Even if not everyone will still go crazy, the brand certanly have followers now, that no matter how many, still deserves a quality game for what they paid, ritgh?