Erick Alqantara

For real. Like “Hey! Would you guys want money to use your character and free marketing for anything you do for that character for the next like decade? You don’t have to lift a finger during this whole process. Just accept the bags of money and the marketing that follows.”

Everyone wants to be in Smash the same reason why every actor wants to be in the MCU. I’m not complaining though, I want Spyro back somehow lmao

Once you get over that little difficulty pike from the controls, then it launches...high.

I am so glad this game is getting exposed to more people. It’s some of Nomura’s best work, in my opinion.

Now playing

Oh man, this game’s music is essential listening. This was where Jet Set Radio passed the Shibuya-kei baton.

Very interested! I played this just after I moved to a new country, it will be nice and sentimental to play it again.

They’ve been so zetta slow about making this happen!

That chocobo with four legs continues to put me ill at ease.


Typical melee player.

Maybe, but it’s also really uncomfortable to try to have a happy ending in one.

JALOP detected.

I thought the episode where everyone rated each other had a happy ending. She escaped that perverse world of trying to please everyone and the ending hints at a new friendship. That’s about as happy as could be expected.

I would buy a Switch version just to say I was playing a console port of the mobile port of a console game.

Also worth noting: It took 117 workstation computers to render those frames, not a single black rectangle from japan

For comparison, each FRAME of the original Toy Story movie took anywhere between 1 and 30 HOURS to render. Computer processing alone, it would take about a week for the computers to poop out 3 minutes worth of film.

I’m an Unreal Engine developer in the Serious Games space and I can confirm that Unreal Engine is a nightmare to work in. It’s way prettier, but they made a ton of weird C++ decisions (like macros EVERYWHERE) so it’s super archaic. Their documentation is also terrible.

You’re going to be disappointed. This isn’t Disney Infinity they aren’t going to muddy up the already strange waters by adding Darth Vader and the Hulk.

Tangled is modern?