Erick Alqantara

This is such an overreaction and honestly you’re the one being a bit regressive here. I love you as a person Jason, but the idea that you need to be some sort of moral authority on what female characters wear is a bit off to me. Would you walk up to a woman wearing those clothes and tell her that she’s hideously

Awesome I can’t wait for this game. Cindy looks amazing and I thought both demos were great.

The whole system has a great rhythm that felt lacking, or at least incomplete, in previous demos.

You have to get enough point in this game to get the good ending of FFXV

I’m with Tabata. Surely releasing a more polished game is worth waiting a couple more months.

This is a good sign, it shows they care about their game instead of profits and instead of being lazy they’re working so that everyone gets a good experience instead of releasing a literal beta.

Well I’ve done the MMO questing stuff for long enough, and I know if that’s all there is over time I’ll just do less and less of it as I go to finish the main story.

I agree.

I’m absolutely stunned by what this footage shows. The combat is ten times more impressive than the Duscae demo, they were not kidding around when they said they heard our feedback. The footage shown here, puts all my fears to rest. This is exactly what I was expecting from such a talented team— and over a decade of

Looks like the textures might have taken a little bit of a hit, but otherwise this looks well-optimized as hell.

Man I really hope they give the option to use Noctis’ original outfit from the debut. That’s all I’m asking for.

So many complainers in the comments jeesh. JUST LET ME PLAY THIS GAME ALREADY!! Gosh I hope this is good, there can be some bad parts but if it’s overall good then I’ll be happy

Looks alright, but I hope the side-content gets more interesting than what they showed, because it looks pretty MMO-grade so far. Hunt and fetch X without much behind it besides different monster designs.

Honestly, though, with all the unique monsters and mechanics, I wonder why this wasn’t renamed and made into an original game inspired by Pokemon. Just strip it of the copyrighted stuff and it’s golden.

Come on, Nintendo. Let Blizzard use this. Just for one skin.

You ok? Need some help? Ive got a truck if you’d like me to see if I can help you get unstuck from the past.

Ugh, I hate when shit like this appears in a competitive game. It ruins the fun for people who aren’t in the know.

i can’t believe people are still salty about fire emblem characters