
What is likely the culprit is that sales were not good enough and embracer group pilled the plug rather than pay for continued development.

So, I actually haven’t played any other Supergiant games yet (Though I do own Bastion twice over), but I’ve just got to interject this:

A sequel to one of the best ever games gets announced and this guy has nothing but complaints.

The absence of Nope? It was number 1. 

This is almost as old of a Pokemon design as you can find. Try again.

Are you actually implying that anyone who isn't asexual is just out there looking to sexually assault and take advantage of people constantly? Jesus grow up and learn how to interact with people instead of acting all holier than thou and morally superior just because you don't wanna fuck. 

If it takes down Facebook, then good.

“I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.””

No, Mark, you are making 11,000 other people take responsibility for that. You are taking no responsibility.

Congratulations, you declared that the sun would rise and you were correct.

Everyone saw this train wreck coming lol

I think thats what all that rehab right after the surgery is for.  Too much bed rest is bad for the back and also leaves you susceptible to clots and other cardiovascular issues.

But if she KNEW about all of this before being hired, and still took the job anyway? Then she’s a scab, and rough treatment comes with the territory.

People who like to abuse people, like to be in positions that allow them to abuse people.

Chechik suspended her porn career this September to focus solely on coaching and Twitch, with the goal to phase out porn out of her professional life within the next year and a half. Apart from publications being weird about porn, I think the downplaying is at least partially motivated by this stated plan and desire.

Not really an “angle”. She’s a former sex worker and now plays games on twitch. No need to bring up her past job considering many people have prejudices against sex workers. 

Any lawyer worth their salt will be able to metaphorically piss on that waiver.

as someone familiar with nightmare Hellworlds being the default living conditions of trillions of people, the answer is always Warp Fuckery. 

...and if you think that bloddy *MONKEYS* look or act like Black Africans, ***YOU*** are the one who is racist.

I don’t know what’s happening right in the comments, but y’alls historical revisionism of Ministrel Shows as some type of “niche entertainment” really needs to fucking stop. Sure it didn’t reach the same height it had during abolitionist days as a counter culture movement but it absolutely persisted through the 1900s

So your comment amounts to this: we should either individually criticize every single one of the thousands and thousands and thousands of developers, or just not criticize at all