
Tried reading this as soon as it came out and just found it...difficult for no reason? There’s nothing exactly wrong with the artwork or characters but the pacing, tone, and narrative storytelling is just so scattershot I couldn’t find anything to latch onto.

Tracy Letts just feels...real.

I did, and honestly, it did nothing for me. Wasn’t really a big reveal, just a 2 second “huh” and nothing more. Sorry, but really didn’t help my enjoyment of the episode.

Personally, I think this episode was a bit of a jump-the-shark moment for the show. It showcased every small issue I’ve been having with the series, but amplified. The lack of willingness to make Wanda an antagonist leads to this honestly underwhelming twist (no offense to Kathryn Hahn, who’s still great, but this

Acknowledgement of making an asshole comment does not stop you from coming across as an asshole. The reason I asked what the point of your comment was is because it was unnecessary, ableist, and at the same time, a poorly paced joke that went on for way too long that you were obviously proud enough to defend. I didn’t

I love an unnecessary comment that kind of came off as ableist that compels you to you to write a four paragraph statement in a snide way that treated me like a child to defend a joke that’s simply: not very good and kind of a bad look.

All parts.

What was the point of that?

I am unable to see how exposing crunch and bad business practices within the industry will ever be a bad thing. I’d be fascinated to see the world through your eyes.

...or it’s just encouraging to see good journalism about video games from people who got their start here? 

Ok, then still that’s not what the review is implying. Just that maybe instead of doing the bare minimum, these books could be more than barebones enjoyment based of wish fulfillment and name-dropping. I read the book when it first came out and liked it, but since I read that when I was literally in middle school,


Now playing

Hey OLD PEOPLE. Wouldn’t expect the elderly to know, but this actually started as a parody of the song “New York Summer”, where the fighting in the grocery store line comes from. It’s a terrible song that spawned this genius art.

Someone please stop this man.

I probably phrased that comment wrong, I guess what I more meant is will he have as high of a budget as he’s been able to get recently?

Sadly you’re probably right. I remember seeing Dunkirk in theaters and thinking this would lead to a far more experimental era, but then impressions of Tenet came in to disprove that. I just want more Dunkirks and Prestiges damnit!

Ok, legitimate question: Will this force Nolan to have to justify his next project? This looks like far more of a critical failure than DKR was, and without the financial success of his previous films, it feels like studios would have more of a reason to not bankroll his next feature.

I don’t care that his origin is stupid and is costume is odd and DC never quite knows what to do with him. Hawkman is my favorite DC character and I am THRILLED.

“Election” is a really important film for me, but this seems like a still developing story and I think it’s really important to remember to take the accuser’s words seriously, even when the work of someone is incredibly important.

I...need this. Please get this greenlit soon.