Dwayne "The Ron" Swanson

Lil Nas X - Old Town Road Remix (feat. Antoine Dodson and Billy Tatum)

As usual, it’s not Trump that’s the most offensive to me, it’s the people around him. We know Trump is a narcissistic sociopath. We’ve known that for decades. Of course he’s smiling in this environment: he wasn’t shot and there are cameras pointed at him, so obviously he’s happy.

Literally eating cold pizza (square-cut, at that) while reading this Funbag and this comment, so agreed.

You clearly have a comprehension issue here, or you just haven’t read what Gob Hobblin posted. I hope you never need a cop to bail your ass out of a tight spot because you sound like a compete twat.

‘Me and my ilk?’ You don’t know anything about me, or my ‘ilk.’ You don’t know that the primary certification my coworkers voluntarily go for is EMT, you don’t know about the multiple lives they’ve saved as the primary first responders in an area too remote to ensure proper paramedic coverage, or the professionalism

I ... I mean what the actual fuck?! 

I know plenty of people who could care less about values of politics that eat there cause the food is about as good as it gets at fast food spots and the service is typically good.

Nah. What it really is that they do serve good tasting food. Their stores are clean and their service is great. Most people don’t give a shit about the political thing and they want a fast food place where the food is good, the restaurant is clean, and the service is top notch. Chick-fil-A gives them all of that.

The same logic is applied to doctors during their internship - “Yes, they have to work abusively long shifts, and yes, they’re exhausted and sleep-deprived on the job and this might easily result in poor patient outcomes (including death), and yes, it’s a hellacious ordeal but I went through it and so everyone else

“or worse because they ‘believe’ they are a different race”

This whole topic is complicated because I want to be (and try to be) compassionate about individuals with different genetics and body types. Obsessions over food and weight aren’t healthy. At the same time, people weren’t this overweight 50 years ago and I don’t think it’s the genetics that have changed. Would you be

Yeah it’s really a cruel twist of fate how when you clear a player with a leg injury to play, he can just randomly get a worse injury in the same leg. The Warriors were completely blindsided by this. 

Interesting, but let’s not make the perfect the enemy of the good. If your baby is growing and your sanity is intact, you’re doing it right. 

Fuck that let’s go full-on soccer style. Litter the jerseys with logos and sell ad space all around the field on rotating display boards. And then let’s play 15 minute quarters with no stoppages in play except short breaks between 1Q/2Q and 3Q/4Q and a longer break for halftime.

Been saying this for years only with different words.

I’d make kind of a counter-argument. Especially in an age of working from home, or even checking email after hours, it’s especially important to lay down clear delineations between work and everything else. And if making sure that taking even half an hour to not think about work in the middle of the day is sacrosanct,

Could not(fixed it for you)

First Bonzo Madrid, and now this? The kid’s a menace!

As a family physician, your take is utter bullshit.