
There's currently no A3 offered at all in the US, however there's a page on Audi's site talking about a new one in the works though; offered with TDI, hybrid or TFSI.

I don't know what "Diesel Jetta" you drove, but 35-40 is a more realistic mixed city MPG range in a TDI. I own an '04 with 228,000mi currently on the clock. The absolute worst mileage I've ever been able to achieve was 33 MPG, this was on the tank of fuel before I planned to replace the clutch and tires, just after

Suggested By: philaDLJ, Photo Credit: Auto Bild

...or lead to Joe Dirt finding his real parents.

Nevermind, I just actually read up on the GTR and realized that its absolutely nothing like the Nikasil process, d'oh!

I used to wrench on 2-stroke dirt bikes back in the day, they all used Nikasil coated cylinders at one point, which had a special minimal honing process that you were supposed to utilize, they were never to be bored or honed with a ball hone. In fact, none of the OEM's or aftermarkets even sold overbore sized rings

Turbos can theoretically increase efficiency due to re-using waste heat and pumping energy lost in the exhaust, but superchargers always incur Parasitic HP Loss, so they actually decrease overall efficiency.

Yeah, except almost every car manufacturing plant is built in coal country where the energy is cheap and solar/wind power isn't viable. Or, they're built in some 3rd world country who gives zero fucks about the environment. Would you rather have Californians assembling your green vehicles? They certainly won't be

Some people charge their phones several times a day via USB, most for 2-3 years without issue! USB 1.0-2.0 has 8 contacts and a ground fixed to 1 surface that cannot be bent or malformed easily. Don't underestimate the durability of a well designed USB connector.

Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Destroying a perfectly functional appliance to replace it with another one, is NOT an energy or carbon neutral process, even if you're recycling 100% of the old one (which is never the case). Consider all of the raw materials that have to be mined, refined and created

There are quite a few companies that offer these services, some even go as far as paying employees to maintain multiple fake identities with corresponding social media accounts that make them look very legit, they even use unique computers (VM's) with unique and geographically accurate IP addresses. It's extremely

Not sure if it's true or not, but I've heard that Auto-Pilot systems can do landings. How well do they handle variables like SURPRISE HUGE FUCKING CROSSWIND?

I live in South-East Indiana, grew up in Ohio. They do DUI checkpoints all the time, they get around the entrapment issue by announcing the checkpoints in the media. Illegal search & seizure without probable cause issues aside, I wonder why they can't just do the same thing for these drug checkpoints?

Hey, that's worst case ATTEMPTED vehicular manslaughter or vehicular assault. Hopefully the courts would side with me on grounds of self defense, seeing as I don't have a record of altercations with people.

It's unlikely that he'd die as a result of a low speed impact anyways, just a broken femur as you peel out on one of his fat legs twisted under the car.

They already use this technology in casinos to ID blacklisted individuals as they walk in the door. You can even install this software on consumer-level surveillance systems.

That's akin to saying something like: "Serves them Republicans right for being tax evasive! I'm not worried, I'm a loyal tax paying Democrat." in regards to the recent IRS scandal. Depending on who's in charge, suddenly the crosshairs could be on YOU.

I will not argue that point!

You can't get a manual in any American full-size pickups anymore. You used to be able to still get a 6sp in a Dodge with Cummins, not sure if that's still the case this year though.

Oh, I stand corrected then. Are there plans to make a 5.0 turbo and/or DI? The current 5.0 is quite a bit less stout than the 6.2.