A condom would probably work even better for the multi-quart jugs.
A condom would probably work even better for the multi-quart jugs.
How has it not succumbed to the infamous crank walk? What year is it?
Drive WHAT other diesel besides a TDI?? A Mercedes or BMW that cost 3x as much or more to purchase and own, or an admittedly ok, but boring GM sedan only offered with a crappy slushbox transmission? Those are your only choices in the US market besides diesel trucks and maybe a few odd SUV’s.
My point within the topic of the FRS/BRZ not having enough power from the factory, is that an intake and an exhaust (typical mods that shouldn’t void a power train warranty under the Magnuson-Moss Act) isn’t going to make a noticeable difference in power.
Forced induction, spray, or anything that raises the power of an engine over 10% will handily void the F out of any warranty beyond reasonable doubt, especially one with that high of compression.
There are no DOT approved trailer tires that have a 55MPH speed limit. You’re thinking of donut spares for a car.
You might be surprised how much lil econoboxes can handle: http://www.aces.edu/~parmega/artic…
On the rear end of almost any solid axle 2wd truck/RWD car, like a Toyota Tacoma or an F-body Camaro (ex: Not Ridgeline).
Also keep in mind, on solid axle, 4x4 trucks the bearings are automagically lubed with the gear oil from the rest of the axle assembly.
The brakes on trailers take a lot of abuse and they don’t tend to be the most robust designs either, they don’t get cooled as well as the ones on your truck and are usually drum; they’re also not modulated as well as your vehicle’s brakes, so they get worked really hard and get really hot, then all that heat gets…
“The T3 Syncros were built by Puch”
The crackerbox van short wheelbase layout gives these things the worst approach and departure angles too. I wouldn’t take this overpriced Burnermobile on wet grass.
Most certainly, don’t take my word for it. Talk to folks that have actually built and worked on small engines for more than 20 years, before ethanol became so pervasive.
I’ve been running E0 in carbureted 2-stroke and air cooled 4-stroke ATV’s ever since Ethanol became practically unavoidable, often times I’m still forced to use it. They both idle smoother and the 4-stroke completely stops popping on closed-throttle deceleration with E0, hesitation during warmup is almost nonexistent…
This, I can’t agree more. E0 is the real “Premium” fuel.
Marine gas is actually E0 and contains miniscule amounts of Ethanol, as opposed to typical “premium” pump gas which could be E10 or worse depending on which state you’re in. E0 gasoline runs dramatically better, especially in carbureted and air-cooled engines that were never designed for E10. E0 also contains more…
The BRZ not running at all on 89 sounds like utter bullshit, have you personally witnessed this?
That’s not how it works at all, the senders and receivers work on the infrared wavelength. You need a bright infrared beacon flashing at a very specific pattern.
I own a high mileage VW and an under warranty Ford, shit breaks just as much on the Ford. At least on the VW I can hook VCDS (VagComm) up to it for a reasonable price and do all the computer shit. On the Fords, your only option is a $5,000/mo subscription/license for Ford IDS to do the same things.