Eric Heiss

The news on the video (dog in water/Lasse film) seem$ a lot more like a Hollywood push for josh gadd again. side note: thank you for the Portlandia friends.

(Noted, your paragraph mentions "IF a director is given a Long leash… can create serialized art…." - - and of course the oh-so-lovely O.J. Simpson trials. If you take a bad documentary or 3 and have that as the be all / end all of ALL Documentaries - not only would that be horrible, but clearly wrong. That would be

#6. Clayton, maybe you meant the opposite with your opening sentence? "A good documentary can’t compete with a piece of written journalism for quantity of information." If not, please let me know what I am missing. I mean this in a very kind and sincere way. The written word IS the written word, however a well

I do not expect most common folk to know about it or even to easily understand it w/out studying it first. Most know nothing about the Rothschilds and their banking ilk and how they dictate what will happen. I used to be the one of the dim ones simply believing everything the new$ told me, and back then i would bark

“All fall down”
by Kevin Gilbert

Distant Early Warning- lyric: "An ill wind comes a rising… There's no swimming in the heavy water, no singing in the Acid rain, red alert."

"We all fall down" by kevin Gilbert.

My favorite Television show is "TWIN PEAKS" - there are no characters that I loathe, but my guilty pleasure show is 'Modern Family'; I like pretty much every character on the show…. just one has never fit-in at all with me. It is not just 'fitting-in', I have never fit-in, but the character that erks me just…. seems

"In the air tonight" is NOT about someone drowning… or the rest of that urban legend (that Phil Collins saw someone do a horrible thing, then he invited him to a concert and sang the song to him in the front row, etc…) Phil Collins has many times explained that is NOT true at all, it is simply metaphor's about one of

Marillion's "Afraid of sunlight" & "Afraid of sunrise" (both on same album 'afraid of sunrise').

Not sure- I would look into it- but I am running out the door. The Korean actor is Phillip Rhee (spelling?) - he also wrote the movie - and most of the sequels. I just checked- looks like he was NOT in 'Mortal Kombat' - but he was in 'the Kentucky fried movie' (slap-stick comedy) back in the 70's!) http://en.wikipedia

Your comment just reminded me of the bar room fight in "Top Secret" (with Val Kilmer).

Your quote and your name made me smile Geddy. :)

Pretty much agree with you Rodney. But don't let it bring you down. I think there is just as much of a chance that Crowe was trying to add a tiny piece of Jazz in there - knowing that most people, especially young Americans do not get Jazz. When post production is coming to an end (editing finals of the film)

It seems (even on this page) that a lot of Floyd fans are writing a great review on the new album. People that can't get into instrumentals that are not hard rockin' (all the time anyway) always use the term 'New Age'. Knowing Pink Floyd's history, there is obviously a ton on non-rockin' instrumentals. With the

Very well put kiko. You should be the write-up person for A.V.Club and such when it comes to popular Music.

Good list, although I would easily take the new Pink Floyd OFF the list. It is a GREAT album. Sure I am biased as I am a fan of theirs, but they mentioned many times that most of it would be instrumental, most of it is from recordings they had during 'the division bell', and mostly being done as a tribute to Richard

Good point Bizarro, though off from what I was putting forward. The wrecking crew were clearly very talented, and so were the bands they were assisting. (Though I did not like the mama's/pappa's, all of the others you listed were great singers/song-writers/performers and so on. My point of the 90's was/were the

This song really blows. The 90's were the biggest door opening for, "The less musical talent you have, the better chance you have at making it in the MUSIC business." (See also, the worse singer will go further and dim folk will say they are great. Sadly this carries-on today big time. Adam Levine (whiny puberty